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The aim of all ministries at The Church of Pentecost - Kansas District is to see our families, our community and our world transformed by the power of God. We are a group of people from all ages and backgrounds who are united together in Christ for the purpose of displaying Him to each other and the world around us.  We have many opportunities for you to get involved throughout the week in the life of our church.  We hope that you will connect and join with us in our desire to bring glory to God in all things.

A Place for Everyone

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Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry is purposely for the women in the church. Every female in the church over the age of sixteen years is considered a member of this ministry. The main objectives of the ministry are to: 1. Encourage the women to build strong prayer lives 2. Improve their spiritual and family lives to be able to function as good wives and mothers. 3. Set good examples as Christian women for the society. 4. Pray for the church and its leaders

Youth & PENSA

The Youth ministry serves the spiritual needs of individuals between the ages of thirteen to nineteen (13-19) years. The church recognizes the youth as the future leaders of the church and society. There is, therefore, the need for them to be grounded firmly in the service of the Lord .

Music Ministry

Music has been labeled as a universal language. Its power causes people to integrate and associate effectively. As the church strives to embrace a cross-cultural outlook, the music ministry plays a vital role, reaching out to peoples of all cultures and traditions with these spiritual songs. Talented singers, passionate about music and dedicated to this course are welcome to join the choir.

Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry is devoted to ministering to the spiritual as well as the physical and emotional needs of the children in the church. Bible lessons tailored to the needs of children are prepared and administered by the leaders of the movement on Sunday mornings during the Sunday school session. Any child under the age of thirteen years is welcome to be part of this ministry.The main aim of the Children's Ministry is to " Train up the children in the way of the Lord, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it." Our ultimate mission is to win the world for Christ through propagation of the gospel to the utmost part of the earth.

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry is a wing of The Church of Pentecost named the Pentecost Men’s Ministry (PEMEM) established by the International Executive Council of the Church in 1997 to cater for the interest of all men in the church and to provide a forum for gathering and teaching the Church’s male population in all aspects of Christian life. The ministry organizes seminars, workshops, lectures and symposia on all aspects of life including: Marriage enrichment, husbands’ responsibilities at home, child care and education, business management and techniques.

Evangelism Ministry

The Evangelism Ministry is the evangelistic wing of the church. It draws its membership from among members of the church with no restrictions on gender or age. The Witness Ministry has the primary responsibility of training members for soul winning and evangelistic activities, raising new converts and preparing them for church membership. 




5401 N Sycamore Dr

Kansas City, MO 64119

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